Ideas from Detroit x Neil Tambe

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Everything that happens after

Don't let my scampering of election-related disillusionment on social media fool you, I care deeply about our nation and about public service.  But now that the election is over, I'd like to weigh in on the election and plead for follow-through and pragmatism. For persistence, inclusivity, tenacity, and grit.

This is a yelp for governance.

Without going on a tirade on why I'm incredibly disillusioned by elections and the electoral process, let me tell you why I think governance matters more. Let me start by painting a picture.

There are people in our country who are suffering. They are hungry, broke, ill, or worse. There are people in the shadows of the shadows who are voiceless or who are voiceless in practice, because they're spending all their time trying to survive and physically cannot participate in the affairs of our republic.

There are also people who aren't suffering. I'm lucky enough to consider myself one of them. Our lives certainly aren't perfect (as those of you who read my other, more personally introspective blog can probably attest to) but we're doing well. We can eat food consistently. We have a roof over our heads, consistently. We can spend time, energy, and money toward leisure activities. We are in decent health or at least have access to health care.

Finally, there are people in our country who are on the cusp of suffering and not suffering. Some folks will fall backwards and suffer, and others will move toward health and prosperity.

Governance affects all these groups. For those suffering, governance provides needed relief to help them simply survive and also can provide a path upward. For those who are not suffering, governance has more than likely aided their station and opportunity in life. For those that are on the cusp, the difference between bad governance and good governance can mean the difference between good and awful life outcomes in the short and long term. For us all, governance affects our well being and happiness.

Elections, by contrast, don't actually tangibly help people. Elections don't feed the hungry and they don't defend our border from threats foreign and domestic. Elections certainly have the potential to nourish our hope and belief in America but they don't do anything in the real world. They are a fleeting sort of moment, they don't keep the lights on.

We can't tap out after the elections because elections don't help people. They are are event which sets the stage to help people.

Let me cut to the chase. The election was important, but now it's over and it's time to refocus on good governance. What really matters and makes a material difference in people's lives are not elections, but everything that happens after.